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The Viva Event

It was an absolute delight to speak at the Viva Event in Albir (Spain) last weekend. I ran some introductory improv games for them, and to see the smiles and hear the laughter was a Read more…

CopyCon X

I was at CopyCon X today – the 10th conference run by Pro Copywriters, and held this year at the Royal College of Physicians near Regent’s Park. In past years, I’ve spoken at the event. Read more…

President of PSA Fellows

Delighted to announce I’ve been voted co-President of the PSA Fellows along with my accountability partner and book-writing buddy, Antoinette Dale Henderson. The PSA = Professional Speaking Association The Fellows = Members who’ve achieved a Read more…

Fame at last!

A journalist contacted me recently, as he was writing about the last-ever printed Freemans catalogue. He found me because of a blog I wrote (this is the blog: End of an era), and we chatted Read more…

And Also… Improv

I spent last week in Hove doing musical narrative improv with And Also and some delightful improvisers. I’ve always been mystified by the magic of a musical that’s created in the moment from a single Read more…

Meet the experts

I’ve been invited to be an ‘expert’ at the PSA Speaking Summit in Solihull this year. Speakers and trainers will be able to quiz me about audience engagement ideas. View the agenda Check out the Read more…

Jolly good Fellows

I’ve been booked to run a session called ‘Up your copy game’, designed to help PSA Fellows with their written marketing. It’s in Solihill in October, just before the annual convention.

Back in the spotlight

Ooh, look at me! It’s over a decade since I was last featured but now I’m back in the Pro Copywriters’ spotlight: Read the interview


This is the view from the judging table at PSA South East last night, where I was lead judge for the regional Speaker Factor contest. It was a tough decision, and the winner goes forward Read more…

PSA South East

Last week, I visited the South East region of the Professional Speaking Association – that’s the region I co-founded and where I was joint Regional President for a couple of years. After running online events Read more…

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