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Icebreakers and energisers for speakers and trainers

Another popular session that can be delivered online on on-site, with activities tailored to the needs of your audience.

Mixing in audience participation helps break up a long conference or training session, and injects a valuable boost of energy and laughter. Most of the exercises that Jackie uses are are simple, low-tech and low-cost, and they get a great reaction.

In this session, participants experience a range of Jackie’s tried-and tested icebreakers, energisers and games that inject energy into the room and help embed the learning for attendees. By incorporating elements of experiential learning and gamification into their talks, speakers and trainers will appeal to more audiences and ultimately get more bookings.

This session is highly interactive. It lasts from 30 to 60 minutes or can be broken into smaller chunks. Ideally, it needs a room with plenty of space to move around. So far, it’s been delivered in England, Scotland and Canada. Since lockdown, bookings for South Africa, Spain and Holland are being delivered via Zoom.

  • Best time to deliver this talk? As a getting-to-know-you networking session, a revision activity at the end of the day, or when you want to lift the energy in the room e.g. before or after a break

It’s a good fit with Jackie’s fourth book, Experiential Speaking, which can be bought in bulk and given as a gift to attendees.

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